
last week of Sep..

Alrighty..time zooms..now it's reaching october..

spent alot these days again..but i m happy..get some clothes..bag..shoes..yay

gonna have so many activities in oct...=)

30/9 dinner
2/10 bbq
3/10 surfing
4/10 driving lesson
10/10 CRE
17/10 work for the whole day
31/10 Wild days out

i must be good during weekdays to study hard...and train my 10k run...



13th Sep 09

time flies..HKDL has been opened for 4 years..wow..
though i have left for few years..still i m proud of myself..haha..setting the miracle..anyhow

i was in high spirit for the whole week...may be cos i went to tap mun..enjoyed my sun..my sea breeze...or cos i got the present from overseas..and knowing that someone is in hk soon..and in fact she is in town now..

went swimming in the morning..really love being in the water...=) then nap in the afternoon..how wonderful that is man..

study is not really in progress..i dont really understand sigh...

my first challenge gonna be on this thursday! wish me luck..



just look at today's date..
what a lame..
will those pple who get married today will be happily ever afteR?


生還者. Charlene

好勝的你 嗜好愛收藏 要四出獵奇
愛侶給你 當趣怪珍藏 要更多不厭棄
你的寶庫里 有各種展品怎媲美
沒歇止占據 似怪僻行為可鄙

仍遺憾曾遇上 極度真心愛你
遺憾曾做你 患難知己
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀著我做戰利
一生給你殺死 狠心不留余地

你太好戲 兩腳放幾船 也慣於處理
世界得你 哪會有安全 禁閉應是無期
你有否對我 說過真心話真希冀
有否想過我 也有感覺會傷悲

仍遺憾曾遇上 極度真心愛你
遺憾曾做你 患難知己
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀著我做戰利

醉駕司機 若禍及他人
但是看你 傲慢不羈
犯罪視作趣味 愈望愈恨你

遺憾曾遇上 極度真心愛你
遺憾曾做你 患難知己
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀著我做戰利

遺憾曾遇你 落入魔鬼兩臂
遺憾曾為你 絕望找死
而你竟歡送我去到墓地 還道謝厚著臉皮
當心失蹄逃避 晚景凄涼無味

ha..great song for those who love two timing..